Our Supporters

We are grateful to the many individuals, law firms, foundations and corporations that support our child advocacy, mediation services, peace project and divorce workshops. Because Kids First is not funded by the state or federal budget, we rely heavily on local support. Thank you to everyone who shares our passion to ensure that children get the help they need. You are making children’s voices heard.

For a list of our supporters, please see our Annual Report. Our corporate and foundation partners over the past year include:


State of Iowa &
Dept. of Human Services





  • The Accel Group
  • Area Ambulance Services
  • BankIowa
  • Biospringer
  • BrownWinick
  • Cedar Graphics
  • Cedar Rapids / Iowa City Building Trades Council
  • Corda Credit Union
  • First Interstate Bank
  • Hawkeye Area Labor Council AFL-CIO
  • Hills Bank
  • Honkamp
  • Johnston, Stannard, Klesner, Burbidge & Fitzgerald
  • Lederer Weston Craig
  • Leff Law Firm
  • Local Union Community Charities
  • Luneckas Law
  • Mark L. Chipokas, PC
  • Meardon, Sueppel & Downer
  • Metro North Rotary
  • Phelan Tucker Law
  • Rush & Nicholson
  • Ryan Companies 
  • Solum Lang Architects

In-Kind Donors

  • The Gazette
  • Informatics
  • Mercy Medical Center

Kids First Law Center

420 6th St. SE Ste. 160

Cedar Rapids, IA 52401

(319) 365-5437


May 16, 2024, 8:19 AM
Kids First Law Center seeks full-time and part-time Youth Peace Project facilitators to help students resolve conflicts at school.