
The staff and services of Kids First Law Center are valuable resources for the communities we serve. So are the books and reputable websites we have listed on our Resources for Kids page and Resources for Parents page.

By sharing a few age-appropriate books with your child, you can help your child understand divorce a little better, minimize some worries and fears, and start healthy conversations about the topic. It's important for children to be able to express their feelings to parents and other adults in their support network. Sharing books also lets your child know that you are open to talking about the divorce and answering questions. (But remember not to disclose more than your child needs to know about the divorce. See more tips for divorcing parents.)

Kids First has a lending library for clients, which includes several of the books listed on these pages and more. If you would like to view some of these resources, please call Cheri to set up an appointment, 319-739-5424.

Kids First Law Center

420 6th St. SE Ste. 160

Cedar Rapids, IA 52401

(319) 365-5437


May 16, 2024, 8:19 AM
Kids First Law Center seeks full-time and part-time Youth Peace Project facilitators to help students resolve conflicts at school.